Review: Autumnlands #13

By Robert Larson

In keeping with the revelations from the last issue, we learn a lot from Autumnlands #13, enough to change our perception of this world. Last issue was about the creators of the Autumnlands, who were really nothing more than irresponsible party boys who used the planet as a kind of pleasure resort. The frat bros made a mess, and now somebody’s been sent to clean it up. But for the residents of the Autumnlands, particularly Dusty and Aelbert, a clean-up crew is not going to be a good thing.

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Review: The Autumnlands: Tooth and Claw #3

It’s quite difficult writing these Autumnlands reviews because there are only so many ways that I can write “this series is great.” Regardless, here we go as I once again praise this series for being awesome in almost every way. Writer Kurt Busiek is doing a fantastic job fleshing out his world while also moving his story forward, while the art team of Benjamin Dewey and Jordie Bellaire also continue to impress. If you’re still not reading The Autumnlands, then you need to rectify that error as soon as possible.

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