Review: Ghostbusters #12

Have you ever impatiently and excitedly read through a comic book arc, waiting for that final moment on the very last page, hoping that the events leading up to it really tie everything together? We all have. Now have you ever reached the last panel on the very last page and realized that you were only on page sixteen? I noticed that there is a backup story as well, but that’s not the point. As good or bad as this issue actually was, I was far more affected by the reality of being completely ripped off content wise, than I ever was about the story “kinda” ending. I’m generally a positive reviewer, but you have got to be kidding me. The bigger publishers are famous for making you spend way more money than their books are actually worth, but this is ridiculous. Regardless, I actually did enjoy the story. Believe it or not. I could have just done without the space-filling “fluff” that took place in the remainder of this thirty-one page comic book. This isn’t going to be a negative review, I’m going to try to base my opinions on the content that did fill these pages, but I didn’t want to leave anything out.

The interview/flashback that was the engine to get this plot going was actually pretty cool. It reminded me of when I used to watch The X-Files. Remember when Skully would sit in Skinner’s office and regurgitate the events of the episode? Anyway, I always like that part of the show. So what I’m really saying is that for as short as the script actually was, I think that what was included in it was good. Burnham has always been able to keep my intention, and this month proves to deliver as well. So bravo to that. The script was especially good when Egon was going into detail about the events leading up to the issue. Kind of a history lesson based on a bunch of fake things. That was well written.

GB-NEW12-coverAI may have said that Dan Schoening’s art is always good during one of my other reviews, but it really is. He has definitely mastered the look that this book requires. Unfortunately, there isn’t really anything that stands out about it. Specifically anyway. It always looks basically the same. I’m glad that he’s consistent, but I wouldn’t mind something kind of out of the box from time to time. Just to let us know that he’s growing as an artist. But who am I? I couldn’t draw to save my life.

I honestly don’t know how I thought this arc would end. I didn’t know what to expect. I mean, it’s Ghostbusters. What did you expect? It was entertaining for the short time that it took to read it, but I wouldn’t put this in the “buy” category. It wasn’t funny, but the story was cool. I just think that I’m kinda done with it. On to the next one.

Score: 3/5

Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Dan Schoening Publisher: IDW Publishing Price: $3.99 Release Date: 1/29/14